Cliftonville Conservation
It is excellent that there are residents in Cliftonville that care so passionately about the area they live. TDC are engaged in a huge regeneration programme to try to change the tenure profile away from the dominance of low quality private rental. Therefore we need to be wary of measures that might put investors off the area. Nevertheless, I'm sure there is scope for some conservation areas so that those that do restore their properties can be confident that their surroundings will reflect their investment.
Town Promotion
Ramsgate Town Council is considering where next with our partnership with Explore Kent. Options include a major cycling promotion, canoeing trails, and/or a major fish and fishing event. We hope to continue attempting to build a partnership with local businesses and develop the web site and VIC.
Theatre Royal
Thanet District Council's next big building problem bequieved from the Tories. Theatre Royal in Margate has barely broken even in 15 years, needs £6M to restore and has no prospect of recouping that ammount of money. Options include doing minimum ammount of work to maintain and wait for better times.
Ramsgate Town Team
Ramsgate Town Tean now have Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, have agreed a constitution and the 25 or so members are discussing their vision for the town and immediate aims. Next step to agree actions and draw down grants.
TDC Council
I was asked a number of questions regarding the Bedroom Tax and was able to repeat our pledge not to initiate action on arrears until residents had been able to access at least two options to downsize.
Neighbourhood Plan
The large number of residents that have responded to the Town Council's initiative on Neighbourhood Planning are forming a group and arranging public meetings to gather ideas. The Town Council have offered space in the next community ads magazine that is delivered through every door.
Ramsgate Primary Schools
Kent Council have created serious problems for themselves in not expanding primary school provision in line with needs. We are seeing increases in birthrate and inward migration that means even after expanding all possible schools locally, we need another school. Government dictates that this must be an academy or free school.
Week beginning 2nd Dec
Casework Turner Street
Public Meeting: Possible Cliftonville conservation area
TDC Labour Group Meeting
Meeting to Finalise “Defending Our shores” Covenant bid
Meeting concerning TDC response Bedroom Tax
1st Meeting of Ramsgate Town Team
East Kent Housing Area Board Meeting
Ramsgate Town Council, Town Promotion Committee Meeting
Meeting TDC Cabinet with Senior Management Team
Housing Estate Inspection – Royal Crescent area
TDC Council Meeting including lobby on Bedroom Tax
Week beginning 9th Dec
Labour Party Meeting
Futures for Heroes Launch
Meeting of Montefiore Heritage
TDC Housing Cabinet Advisory
Meeting TDC Cabinet with Senior Management Team
Harbour users group
Ramsgate Town Council Planning Meeting
Welcome back to blogging David and Illegitimi non carborundum